Forum for seminar and final papers
On the 29th of January, ZPP started a new speech format for young employees and students, based on the idea of creating an opportunity to collect first experiences with own lectures and speeches.
In front of an interested audience – live on location and connected via web conference – Mara Trotzki, a fellow employee from Hamburg, presented the results of her master thesis. The auditors of the thesis on the topic "Comparison of technical concepts for the urban metro station new construction" were Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karsten Körkemeyer and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ludger Speier.
Katja Linder from the ZPP BIM team subsequently presented the "parametric modelling of 3D planning models in the project FSQ", based on her bachelor thesis.
From the department of civil and environmental engineering at the Bochum University of Applied Sciences, students of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Matthias Baitsch presented their seminar papers from the subject area of the numeric. Leonard Illerhaus proceeded to give a lecture on "thermal space simulations", Sebastian Dietrich presented a glimpse into the "numerical simulation of roller coasters" to the listeners and Pascal Diering depicted his approach to the "optimisation of rod structures".
We would like to thank all speakers for their commitment, and we are looking forward to continuing the lecture series in irregular intervals.