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Membership in buildingSMART e.V.

ZPP contributes standardisation of processes and interfaces in German BIM community

Digitalisation of business process is a trend affecting our whole economical system. The construction industry refers to this trend as Building Information Modeling (BIM). BIM is a life cycle-oriented collaboration methodology to ensure lossless exchange of data generated by specialised, native CAE-software.

BuildingSMART e.V. is an international organisation significantly influencing the development of BIM standards, processes and solutions. Main focus of buildingSMART e.V. is the implementation of independent data exchange formats as foundation of the open-BIM concept. This involves definition of interfaces, standardisation of processes and clear formulation of quality benchmarks.

It is beyond doubt that BIM will holistically affect the construction industry and require adaptation of well-established procedures. This demand for innovation is emphasised by BMVI’s requirement statement that, from 2020 on, all public infrastructure projects must be realised with BIM methodologies.

ZPP faces this challenge of industry-wide reorientation with the usual confidence and proactive attitude. Especially Tobias Rahm, BIM Manager at ZPP, will participate in activities of buildingSMART e.V. This way, we actively contribute to standardisation and implementation of BIM as part of buildingSMART e.V. Additionally, buildingSMART e.V. offers great potential to establish a powerful network of competent partners. Our constitutive engagement in the BIM Cluster Rhein-Ruhr complements this ambition seamlessly.

BuildingSMART e.V.
BIM Cluster Rhein-Ruhr

Picture source: buildingSMART e.V.
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