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ZPP becomes corporation

New legal form, established philosophy.

Upon entry into the commercial register in early January 2017, the transformation of the ZPP Ingenieure GmbH into the legal form of a corporation is accomplished, therefore now operating under the name of ZPP Ingenieure AG. Nothing changes when it comes to our established core competencies in our 40 year tradition and the personal contact persons.

The management board still consists of the holders and former managing directors Dr.-Ing. Dieter Lehnen, Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Meyer, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ludger Speier and Dr.-Ing. Ingo Spohr. The supervisory board function is assumed by the scientific advisory board. Furthermore, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Karsten Körkemeyer, a prestigious scientist with a long-standing connection to our company, could be won over for the position of chairman of the supervisory board.

With this step, the ZPP engineers are measuring up to their company philosophy of continuous advancement.

Please update your contact info!

ZPP Ingenieure AG
Lise-Meitner-Allee 11
44801 Bochum
Tel.+49 234 92 04-0
infono spam@zpp.de

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