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Cogeneration plant north

Consulting for the client concerning a rebuild of a combined cycle plant

Stadtwerke Bonn GmbH planned the expansion of the existing co generation plant north to a gas and steam turbine (CCGT) power plant.

In the field of structural engineering, the client required advice on the specific aspects of building and dealing with the commissioned general contractor construction.

The consulting covers a broad spectrum in the field of power plant construction:
_Collaboration to static and structural solutions
_Inspections of the plans of the commissioned construction planner in the interests of the client
_Supporting the subproject leaders of the client
_Supporting the construction management of the client on special issues
_Groundwork for the client relating building contractual points with GU
_Inspection and consulting regarding claims of GU (eg VOB/B)

The services were rendered on the construction site or to the client.


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